Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Borogegal Walking Trail and Athol Hall Track to Athol Hall

Int. Borogegal Walking Trail and Athol Hall Trk to Athol Hall 0.1km 2 mins Optional Side Trip:
(From 0.63 km) From the intersection, this walk follows the sign to 'Athol Hall' up the stairs, crossing a large grassy area. The walk then continues up to Athol Hall entrance.

Athol Hall
Athol Hall, built in 1908, was once a hotel. Sections of the original building date back to the 1800's. The hall has an excellent vantage point over the harbour with the Sydney Opera House, Harbour Bridge and city all well within its scope. Athol Hall today is a cafe and function centre with the cafe open Tues-Fri and Sun, 11am -3pm.

Int. Borogegal Walking Trail and Athol Hall Trk to Int. Borogegal Walking Trail and Cannons Picnic Area Trk 0.6km 10 mins (From 0.63 km) From the stairs, this walk heads around the hillside with the harbour below on the right. The walk travels across large sections of boardwalk which undulate slightly as the walk comes up to a trail (which leads to a bench overlooking Sydney Harbour). From the trail, this walk keeps contouring along the hillside, south and tending left, to the intersection, signposted as the way to 'Cannons picnic area'.

Int. Borogegal Walking Trail and Cannons picnic area Trk to HMAS Sydney Mast, Bradleys Head 0.1km 2 mins (From 1.24 km) From the intersection, this walk heads towards the car park, keeping the harbour to the right. The walk leads approximately 10m to the intersection with a track (leading down to Bradleys Head Amphitheatre). From the intersection, this walk heads along the footpath next to the car park for a short distance, until it comes to be above the flag pole, HMAS Sydney Mast.


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