Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Favorite Tourism Queensland

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA), an Australian Government statutory authority, is responsible for the overall planning and management of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. The primary role of the GBRMPA is to provide for the protection of the Marine Park’s natural and cultural values while allowing for wise use, understanding and enjoyment. The Marine Park is a multiple use protected area; a key aspect of management is working in partnership and cooperating with stakeholders and local communities to find common, mutually beneficial outcomes.

The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is the largest natural feature on earth stretching more than 2,300km along
the northeast coast of Australia. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is the world's largest World Heritage Area and biggest tropical marine reserve. Tourism is the largest industry within the Marine Park.

The following initiatives act to engage the private sector in Reef stewardship, compliance and aid Reef resilience.

· Established processes for private sector engagement including development of the Marine Park’s zoning and plans of management. The se processes result in planning and management frameworks that are informed and owned by the private sector. This provides for sustai nable tourism within the Marine Park and enhances compliance to the plan.

· Established processes for private sector engagement on issues relevant to tourism and recreational use of the GBR through the Tourism Recreation and Reef Advisory Committee 4 (TRRAC). TRRAC is a senior level multi-sector committee that provides advice to the GBRMPA on issues such as policy development, research, monitoring, tourism trends and local issues. TRRAC also advises in the development and implementation of strategic and management plans.

· Incentives to encourage high standards of operation. For example opportunity to increase permit tenure for certified operators from 6 to 15 years5.

· Holding forums with the private sector to work out approaches to issues that may affect the tourism industry such as climate change.

· Tourism partnership programmes such as Bleach Watch6, Cots Watch7, and the Eye on the Reef programme. These initiatives provide tourism professionals with a greater understanding of the environment whilst also providing information used for research, monitoring and management of the Reef.

Snorkeling or scuba diving are popular activities at the reef, and many boats provide dive instructions on site. Those terrified of the water can ride in a glass-bottom boat or see the reef by helicopter if they are prone to seasickness, Hodgson says.


  1. There are some cultural parks that must be taken care of, because they are main attractions in their countries. I remember going to a National Park when I was in Argentina. I was in an apartment for rent in buenos aires and it was a good thing having it close.
